Monday, 26 April 2010

Isotype Workshop with Katy

Isotype-International System of TYpographic Picture Education is a method of showing social, technological, biological and historical connections in pictorial form. It was first known as the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics (Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik), due to its having been developed at the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum inWien (Social and economic museum of Vienna) between 1925 and 1934. The founding director of this museum,OttoNeurath, was the initiator and chief theorist of the Vienna Method. The term Isotype was applied to the method around 1935, after its key practitioners were forced to leave Vienna by the rise of Austrian fascism.

At the workshop we were asked to make a chart related to homeless people. I was in a group of tree and we chose to make a chart of homeless people who have problems with drugs, alcohol, mental problems or none of these. We had to do it in pictorial form using stones, paper, beans, cardboard, jelly babies etc.....

We chose to work with jelly beans. At the beginning we divided into the same colors and than we have got stuck. The percent numbers were so close that make it it visual with so many differences using only beans was impossible. Then another problem occurred with mental health. How do you visually show mental health? Things were beginning to be difficult as well as funny because it was so hot in the room that our brain started to cook slowly. I was trying to see us through other peoples eyes: three students sweating because of heat, all red, one with no shoes on all counting jelly beans....quite funny! We thought and thought and came up with using stones, office pins and glass to visually show mental health (rough, spiky and unpredictable) and also we decided to use only two colors of beans for drugs and cut bottles out of paper. I think it came out quite nice but I find it very tough job.



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