Friday, 30 April 2010

VCT Timeline

In term 2 we were asked to produce text-based Timeline charting an aspect of the development on the graphic design. The Timeline had to contain at least 1000 words and also a visual example of the design works we are writing about. I chose history of photography as my knowlege of this was very low and I was quite keen to find out more about it. I found the whole history very interesting glad I know more now.

Thursday, 29 April 2010

Icon Workshop

This workshop was about street, places in London. We could chose any street or any place. Take a walk, some pictures, soak up the atmospfhere and write down how we felt walking through the chosen area. Then draw a symbol on noticed things and than crate a modern crest.
I work with Luca and our street was Wardour Street. We have noticed a lots of coffee shops, clubs, express couriers on the bicycles, lots of pedestrians, parking place for motorbikes (vespas mainly), bars, japanese and italian restaurants, film and video productions...we drawn a symblos for each one but we did not managed to put it all together to the final crest...but we are more than keen to finish it!

Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Stencil Workshop BANKSY or BLANKSY?

This work shop was fun....We were asked to produce a stencil dealing with London either in a picture or a letter form. I chose London bus and pigeons. We used scalpel, acetate paper, water based paint and a sponge rollers. I have never made a stencil before and as I was cutting the image out I forgot about positive and negative sides and basically cut the whole bus out. This made me to experiment with the positive space of the stencil, rather than the hole that is left behind. Even thought I did not cut the stencil
out as I should have it cam out nice more like a pop art. I was really amazed how easily you can make a nice texture by using a simple sponge roller. I did not have much time left to cut out another bus stencil so I decided to stick in on the page like it was a stencil and add some stencil pigeons. Well the best way to learn things is learn from our mistakes!I really hope to bring this workshop further and use it in my book.

Monday, 26 April 2010

Contrast Worksop with Jo

What an interesting workshop!Really liked it!
The brief was to make a small concertina book dealing with the idea of contrast. London is a place full of contrasting elements. We were given a list from which to pick a subject. We worked in a pair and we chose BLACK AND WHITE..As soon as we got the brief we went round the collage and picked up leaflets, took some pictures...After we cut all the pictures and stuck on the book to create contrast.
I was thinking how to use this in my project and thought that there is lots of making black and red contract as red phone boxes or black cabs are very typical for London. Also I had and idea of contrasting parts of London with very rich and poor areas, or shopping street (expensive and cheap) or cultural contrast.....there is plenty to chose from!

Isotype Workshop with Katy

Isotype-International System of TYpographic Picture Education is a method of showing social, technological, biological and historical connections in pictorial form. It was first known as the Vienna Method of Pictorial Statistics (Wiener Methode der Bildstatistik), due to its having been developed at the Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum inWien (Social and economic museum of Vienna) between 1925 and 1934. The founding director of this museum,OttoNeurath, was the initiator and chief theorist of the Vienna Method. The term Isotype was applied to the method around 1935, after its key practitioners were forced to leave Vienna by the rise of Austrian fascism.

At the workshop we were asked to make a chart related to homeless people. I was in a group of tree and we chose to make a chart of homeless people who have problems with drugs, alcohol, mental problems or none of these. We had to do it in pictorial form using stones, paper, beans, cardboard, jelly babies etc.....

We chose to work with jelly beans. At the beginning we divided into the same colors and than we have got stuck. The percent numbers were so close that make it it visual with so many differences using only beans was impossible. Then another problem occurred with mental health. How do you visually show mental health? Things were beginning to be difficult as well as funny because it was so hot in the room that our brain started to cook slowly. I was trying to see us through other peoples eyes: three students sweating because of heat, all red, one with no shoes on all counting jelly beans....quite funny! We thought and thought and came up with using stones, office pins and glass to visually show mental health (rough, spiky and unpredictable) and also we decided to use only two colors of beans for drugs and cut bottles out of paper. I think it came out quite nice but I find it very tough job.



Sunday, 25 April 2010

Saturday, 24 April 2010

Finishing of my collage...cut and paste at home

As I wrote before about not being able to finish my collage at screen printing studio I finally finished it at home. It took me some time as I had to cut out little pieces and be very precise.


I really like the way they made this video is very original apparently they made it like this:Here's How We Did It: We shot the video on a white sound stage. I edited it on Final Cut Pro. Then we printed out over 3,000 frames onto paper. Then every frame was hand torn by a team of 8 people. From there we animated the frames, photographing each frame with a digital camera, and then imported it back into Final Cut Pro. The backgrounds are also paper collages we took digital stills of and keyed in after animation. It was a process and a half! Enjoy.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010


As I mentioned before we were asked to come up with a new brand and packaging for an organic tea company opening in Spitafield . The month I was working on this project I started to be more aware of packing especially tea packaging I caught myself several times staring at tea boxes, touching their material etc....and what's more I still go to the tea section at the shops just to have a look what's on the market...;-) I think this project showed me what I'm interested in. I would like to work in a packaging studio just to what is it like..
Here is a bit of my research......

the final outcome

Sunday, 4 April 2010


We were asked to produce and present a piece of creative graphic communication design and supporting research that meets the requirements of a Client, communicates a particular Message and meets the needs of a Target Audience. My target group was working class men to become healthier was my message and the charity was my client.. I must say that I found this project a bit difficult as this sort of people were a little bit unknown to me. So I started to research on my group. I was searching on the Internet also I started to be more aware of them on the street. I also made a questioner so could approached them a get a little bit closer to them. I decided to make them aware of heart diseases as men over 30 ( I believe not only men) should watch their diet, eat healthy and do lots of exercise. At the beginning I wanted to do it through their families mostly kids but then I changed my mind and went for the football. I think its better to tell them come on let's play some football and become a bit healthier rather than telling them this food is killing you, this is not good for you etc.. As I thought this would not be very appealing to them so not much interest in changing. So I made a 5-a side football poster. They can come and play without being members or team of 11 players. I also made a beer coaster. I was thinking to put this poster in pubs, greasy spoon cafes, etc...
Here is some of my research and the final poster....