This work shop was fun....We were asked to produce a stencil dealing with London either in a picture or a letter form. I chose London bus and pigeons. We used scalpel, acetate paper, water based paint and a sponge rollers. I have never made a stencil before and as I was cutting the image out I forgot about positive and negative sides and basically cut the whole bus out. This made me to experiment with the positive space of the stencil, rather than the hole that is left behind. Even thought I did not cut the stencil
out as I should have it cam out nice more like a pop art. I was really amazed how easily you can make a nice texture by using a simple sponge roller. I did not have much time left to cut out another bus stencil so I decided to stick in on the page like it was a stencil and add some stencil pigeons. Well the best way to learn things is learn from our mistakes!I really hope to bring this workshop further and use it in my book.