This project was very challenging for me. The brief was set up by Julia studio
The brief was to randomly choose one font out of seven and then visually represent the most unique characteristic of the chosen font in an engaging way to as broad audience as possible. This project was collaboration with another student. We chose Courier New font and we found out that the most unique characteristic is being monospaced. Monospaced font is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space.
On of the first and strongest was to monospaced a font which is not monospaced and compared to a font (Gill Sans) which is monospaced. For the visual aspect we used rectangles and letterpress technique to step out of the normal print. Even thought this idea was visually nice comparing font to another font is not a solution.
We lasercut sentence (typed in Courier new) and stuck the cut out letters on a board which would allowed us to print in letterpress.
monospaced non monospaced font (gill sans)

courier new

After going back to research we came up with a new idea which would also be engaging with any sort of audience. We cut a letters which would easily be sloth into he brackets to create different messages.
paper mock up